
Acne Remedy - Home Acne Treatment to End Your Acne Worries

When an individual is looking for an acne remedy, it is fairly common to progress through the available home acne treatment before moving up to more specialized options. Even if the remedies are carried out at home, the acne sufferer should consult with a dermatologist for diagnosis and a recommended course of treatment before commencing. Not all blemishes are acne, and only the dermatologist can identify the cause and preferred treatment options for the condition. Under the doctor's care, some or all of the home treatments for acne are certain to assist in improving the appearance of the skin and preventing return of the eruptions.

Salicylic acid cleanser

A salicylic acid cleanser is an important component in an acne remedy. You can use this product as part of a program that includes cleansing of the skin. Using salicylic acid as a cleansing agent. You can find these products by checking the label. Salicylic acid is chemically related to and reacts similarly to the effective compounds found in aspirin. The ingredient is found as part of the inner bark of the willow tree. It is found in many skin care products. It works by causing the skin cells to shed off more readily so that the pores don't clog. This allows the new cells to have room to grow.

Avoid scrubbing

Acne blemishes do not require rough scrubbing of the skin in order to reduce the size and number of imperfections. In fact, scrubbing irritates the outer layer of the skin even further and may lead to open lesions which lead to infection. Contrary to popular belief, scrubbing does not break up the bacteria and sebum pockets in and around the follicle. The best acne treatment to reduce the size of the lesions and the frequency of them is to treat with topical creams and lotions containing vitamin A based products. Acne is not a disease caused by dirt

Use a mild soap

Cleansing of acne challenged skin is important even though just cleansing the skin won't provide a complete acne remedy for the person fighting for clear skin. Try wetting your face with warm water and then using a mild soap to gently work up a lather. A light circular motion with the tips of the fingers will provide cleansing plus a mild massage. Stimulation of the blood flow to the area will help to fight the bacteria as well. Be sure to rinse all remnants of the soap from the skin in order to prevent drying.

Smooth on benzoyl peroxide lotion

The final step in the acne remedy during the home acne treatment is to smooth on benzoyl peroxide lotion. The lotion is great for moisturizing the skin without that greasy feeling that is so unpleasant. The benzoyl peroxide lotion continues to fight the growth of bacteria on your skin throughout the entire day. The softening qualities of the lotion help to reduce that tight and painful feeling of the skin while fighting the bacteria that are a contributing factor to acne.

For additional hints and suggestions on the Acne Remedy sector of the market for acne treatment, be sure to visit the web site at http://www.skinacneremedytreatmentproduct.com/finding-natural-acne-remedy-to-clear-acne-for-adult.php to get more information solve your acne problem fast.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ingrid_Lihan

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Best Treatment for Acne Scars

Lets see what is an Acne first before going into Acne Scars. Acne refers to lesions or pimples caused when the hair follicles on the skin become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. A plugged follicle is the perfect place for bacteria to grow and create the red bumps and pus-filled red bumps known as pimples. The usual bacteria that causes acne is called Propionibacterium acnes. Hormonal changes during the teen years often cause increased oil production that contributes to the problem.

Causes of Acne Scars
In the simplest terms, scars form at the site of an injury to tissue.
They are the visible reminders of injury and tissue repair. In the case of acne, the injury is caused by the body’s inflammatory response to sebum, bacteria and dead cells in the plugged sebaceous follicle.

Two types of true scars exist, depressed areas such as ice-pick scars, and raised thickened tissue such as keloids.

Things to remember before going for Acne Scar removal

People experience different types of scarring from acne, and every person is left with different facial topography. Therefore, acne scar treatment must be addressed on a case by case basis. No single treatment is right for everyone. You and your dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon will have to decide what is right for your type of acne scarring.

Since getting rid of acne scars is a complex process, often several of the treatments listed above will have to be combined to produce the best results. For example, punch techniques followed by laser acne treatments is common. Ice pick acne scars might require undermining the acne scars (subcision) followed by injections (augmentation). It is not uncommon to see more than two procedures combined as well.

Basic research into how acne scars are formed and how they respond to treatment is very limited. It has not been a well treated condition in the past.

Prevention and Treatment of Acne Scars

The best way to prevent post-inflammatory changes caused by acne is to prevent acne lesions from occurring. This is done by understanding the factors that cause acne and using the appropriate treatments for the different acne types.

If you have scarring, the acne scar treatment you get will depend on the type of scars you have, as well as on your skin type. Most experience has been gained treating facial scars. Generally, scars on the chest and back do not respond as well.

Collagen injection. Collagen, a normal substance of the body, is injected under the skin to "stretch" and "fill out" certain types of superficial and deep soft scars. Collagen treatment usually does not work as well for ice-pick scars and keloids.

Autologous fat transfer. Fat is taken from another site on your own body and prepared for injection into your skin. The fat is injected beneath the surface of the skin to elevate depressed scars.

Punch Excision - Ice pick acne scars have hard, irregular jagged borders and often the depth is irregular as well. Simple excision of these scars with a sutured closure allows the dermatologist to bring the dermis back together, get rid of the ragged margins and close the area with a fine, uniform line.

Subcision - In this procedure the dermatologist undermines the acne scar with a sharp instrument such as a tiny scalpel or needle. Subcision helps break fibrous bands of scar tissue that are creating tension between the epidermis and deeper structures and also helps induce new collagen formation.

Dermabrasion - This procedure has fallen somewhat out of favor with the availability of newer, easier to use techniques. In dermabrasion, the skin is anesthetized and frozen and an extremely sharp rapidly rotating blade sheers away damaged tissue.

Laser Treatment. Lasers of various wavelength and intensity may be used to recontour scar tissue and reduce the redness of skin around healed acne lesions.

Skin Surgery. Some ice-pick scars may be removed by "punch" excision of each individual scar. In this procedure each scar is excised down to the layer of subcutaneous fat; the resulting hole in the skin may be repaired with sutures or with a small skin graft. Subcision is a technique in which a surgical probe is used to lift the scar tissue away from unscarred skin, thus elevating a depressed scar.

Article Source: ABC Article Directory

Sander Bel writes articles for beauty tips. He also writes for long hairstyles and acne treatment.

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How To Deal With Acne In Middle Age

You would think that elderly people had enough to deal with just getting older and watching the bloom of youth fade away slowly but surely. Elderly people are also routinely troubled by problems such as arthritis, blood pressure etc, risk of strokes and heart attacks etc, all of which tells them they have reached the twilight of their lives.

Acne, Caught off guard?
You would think that would be more than enough. Surely they do not need anything else, least of all, acne!! This is one condition that does seem somewhat misplaced, associated as it is, rightly or wrongly, with younger people.

But it is true all right. There is no getting away from the fact that older people, with all their problems, have not been spared the menace of acne. Unfortunately for them, people at this stage are particularly prone to acne rosacea, which is a chronic skin condition that mainly affects the skin of the face.

Be well informed about your acne. Acne rosacea shows up as a redness of the skin, which may spread all over the face. It does not normally affect other parts of the body. Although this condition affects both men and women aged between 30 and 50 years, it is found more often in women rather than men. Acne rosacea tends to develop around the age of menopause.

While the complexion initially takes on a reddish appearance, this progresses to become a more severe discoloration of the skin. As the condition progresses, acne rosacea tends to affect the eyes, which could develop conjunctivitis, accompanied by sensations of itching and burning of the eyes.

Be vigilant and control your acne. Although the specific causes of acne rosacea are not yet known, this is a condition that can last for several years. Acne rosacea may have something to do with eating certain kinds of food, although acne, generally speaking, is not connected with the consumption of food in any way. This happens because certain chemicals contained in the food tend to react with others in the human system.

If you suffer from acne rosacea and can identify any food as particularly aggravating the problem, naturally you would do well to avoid it. You should also avoid spending too much time in the sun, which is only one of many restrictions you will have to endure. Others include caffeine, alcohol, rich food and hot drinks.

Keep fit as it will help your acne. You will have to ensure that you get plenty of exercise in an area that is well ventilated. Unfortunately, you will have to avoid using cosmetics on your face, or at least stay away from those that have an oily base. In addition, any products you use on your face will have to be free of alcohol, which will irritate your skin.

Do not despair because your acne will get better. Occasionally, older people also suffer from acne vulgaris, which can be very troublesome. This is a condition that can be particularly distressing because of the way it looks. The best way to treat it is to leave it alone as far as possible. Above all, you should avoid scrubbing the affected area. Although there is no direct link between acne and food, certain foods could aggravate the condition. These include nuts, biscuits and confectionery, sodas, chips etc.

Change eating habits to fight acne. In your own best interest, you will have to substitute these goodies with water, herbal tea and vegetable juices. You should also substitute whole milk with soymilk, which can be sweetened with stevia. Vitamin E supplements may also aggravate acne vulgaris.

Healthy food choices for your acne. You can combat your acne by increasing your consumption of fish such as salmon, sardines, tuna and halibut which contain the vital Omega 3 oils that are guaranteed to make a difference. Eat as many fresh vegetables as you can. Eating a combination of fish and vegetables will probably be the best thing that you can do for your acne. In case you eat fish less than twice a week, you should consider taking fish oil capsules.

Other tips to beat your acne. Take every opportunity to relax by going for long walks whenever you can. Lastly do remember to drink plenty of water and do yoga if possible. Try to observe all these tips and you should see your acne improve. The healthy foods that have been suggested will serve the purpose of keeping you in good health, while you are battling with your acne. Take care and good luck!

Article Source: ABC Article Directory

Keep YOURSELF looking great with these great Skin Care secrets from www.NaturalElements.co.uk In seconds you can access over 36 beauty topics that will keep you looking younger and more radiant. Help your skin with a variety of Acne Skin Care products at Natural Elements

By: Louise Forrest

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Eliminate Acne and Blemishes With Secret Home Remedies

Do you suffer from acne breakouts including blemishes, blackheads, or other forms of severe acne? If you answered yes, then you need to know that there are certain home remedies that you can use to naturally get rid of acne and maintain a healthy-looking skin.

However, whether you are suffering from the occasional breakouts and blemishes or even more severe cases such as cystic acne problems, there are several techniques that you can use to help clear your skin of acne and blemishes and improve your skin's complexion. All of the following remedies are all natural and can be used from the comfort of your own home.

You can gently rub lemon peels on your skin with just a little bit of sugar. If you leave this treatment on the skin for about 10 minutes, it should help reduce acne inflammation and reduce pimples as well.

Avoid using skin care products and cosmetics that may be oil based. If you use skin care products that are oil based, it can make your blemishes worse than they already are by clogging your pores.

Try using a Vitamin B complex. This helps you keep a healthy looking scan and also helps prevent blemishes. You can find natural sources of Vitamin B in tuna, bananas, and potatoes.

Zinc works like an antioxidant. Zinc is very helpful for preventing skin infections and maintaining a healthy skin. Zinc is also been known to help heal acne scarring by healing skin tissues. You can find good sources of Zinc in nuts, pumpkin seeds, dairy products, and yeast.

Don't wash your face by scrubbing your skin with harsh abrasives. If you decide to use skin scrubbing cloths or harsh chemicals, you will actually make your acne problems even worse by irritating the skin. By using harsh abrasives, your skin will react by producing more oils and puss which will clog your pores.

If you have sensitive skin, avoid using acne treatments containing Benzoyl Peroxide. Products such as OxyPads, Clearasil, and ProActiv contain Benzoyl Peroxide as their active ingredient. However, using products like these can irritate your skin and cause it to dry out. If the acne treatment causes your face to become flaky and dry out, it can make your face and complexion look worse than before you started the treatment.

Article Source: ABC Article Directory

If you would like more information on the best acne treatments, including natural home remedies, visit our web site. We also provide unbiased reviews on the most popular acne products including ProActiv and Clear Pores.

By: Daniel da Silva

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Adult Acne Skin Care - 5 Natural Acne Skin Care Tips That Actually Work

Adult acne is one of the serious cases of acne in general. As such, adult acne skin care is very important if you want to get rid of your acne safely without leaving any scars that can haunt you forever.

Instead of going on and on about how over the counter products usually fail to cure your acne permanently, I am simply going to let you in the 7 very important adult acne skin care tips.

Adult Acne skin care tip 1

Don’t touch your face too often. The bacteria on your hands can infect your face and increase acne infection.

Adult Acne skin care tip 2

Do not try to break your bumps no matter how tempting it is to do so. Breaking them only increases your risk of severe infection.

Adult acne skin care tip 3

Wash your face with soap at least twice a day. And when I mean soap, I mean soap that makes your skin oil free. A glycerin or Sorbital based soap will do the trick.

Adult acne skin care tip 4

No matter how indulged you are in your work, you need to drink a minimum of 10 glasses a day to clear out waste toxins from your body.

Adult acne skin care tip 5

Eat healthy. This is a very important very important when it comes to skin care. By eating the wrong food, you could increase the chances of acne breakouts and pus formation.

Adult acne skin care tip 6

Make it a habit to drink a glass of raw papaya juice with seeds. This takes away the risk of puss formation and speeds up the acne healing process.

Adult acne skin care tip 7

It is compulsory to get a minimum of 7 hours sleep everyday. The more quality sleep you get the less chances of stress and the faster acne starts to heal. No wonder why beauty sleep is so popular.

What next? I have given you 7 most important adult acne skin care tips. It is up to you to follow these simple tips and make your life more beautiful and full of confidence.

Abi Shaan has suffered from severe acne for 8 years but he finally won the battle. For those serious about getting rid of acne permanently, do visit the site below:

==> http://www.natural-remedy-for-acne.blogspot.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Abi_Shaan

By Abi Shaan

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Acne Skin Care Tips - to Help Reduce your Breakouts

If you are like most acne sufferers, you might get obsessed with the whole wash your face regularly and avoid certain foods thing. Although the main cause of your acne is not due to poor hygiene or eating certain foods, in so many instances some factors tend to worsen you acne conditions, leading to more pimples (zits) on your face.

Proper acne skin care helps in reducing the amounts of breakouts on your skin. A number of skin experts and health practitioners are of the opinion that natural acne treatments are the best for reducing the intensity of acne lesions on the skin and tend to recommend the following acne skin care tips.

One factor that could worsen your acne condition is clogged pores, which results in more pimples on your face. Before you go scrubbing your face a million times a day, you should know that you have to be gentle with your face. Wash your face at most thrice a day, and you should use lukewarm water. Avoid soaps that contain chemicals and ingredients that damage your skin. Try using a mild cleanser. Remember to pad your face dry and avoid scrubbing.

I know you can't help it. But hey!!! Keep your hands by your side, stop touching, squeezing, rubbing or picking your pimples and other lesions. Incase you don’t know, doing that can cause severe acne scarring and more acne flare-ups. So simply put “get your hands off your face”.

If your are a guy, then you should be careful how you shave. Try and find out which razor type is best for your skin. Although I used to use electric razors when I had a lot of pimples on my face, but now I use “twin blades” shaving sticks to shave. Always shave gently to avoid scrapping your acne lesions, which could result in acne scars.

There is a type of acne that is termed “cosmetic acne” which is usually more prevalent in girls. Using certain type of cosmetics can worsen your acne problem or could even be the major cause of your breakouts. Oil-based (comedogenic) cosmetics are the major culprits in worsening your acne condition and you should stay clear of such. Try using water-based (non-comedogenic) cosmetics, which do not clog your pores.

If you are light-skinned (Caucasian), and you regularly sun-bathe, you might feel that a tan would look good on you by giving you a nice complexion and drying out your pimples, but you should try reducing the amount of sun exposure. When you expose your skin to high intensity sunlight, Ultraviolet rays from the sun would dry the outer layers of your skin resulting in it peeling off. Regular exposure to high intensity sunlight makes you prone to having skin cancer.

A very common argument among dermatologist, doctors and health care practitioners is whether diet affects acne or causes acne. Well there is one thing that is certain, a large number of acne sufferers know that there are certain types of foods that increase the amount of pimples (breakouts) on their face. I have noticed that there are some foods that when I take in large quantities I expect breakouts (pimples) in the next 5 to 6 days.

To prevent skin problems such as acne, white and dark spots and pimples, you should consider changing the content of your meals by including more nutritious foods. You can improve your acne condition by eating foods that are rich with antioxidants. These help in keeping you healthy by fighting heart diseases and slowing down cell regeneration. Fruits and leafy vegetables contain enough of these.

Doctors have always recommended that you take at least 10 to 12 glasses of water a day. Your water intake affects your skin’s health. Taking the recommended amount of water a day would make your skin healthier. Try reducing your sugar intake by drinking less sodas, and fruit juices. Instead take fruits; this will definitely prevent age spots and discoloration of your skin.

In addition to the following acne skin care tips that you've just read, you should try using an a system, which combats you acne problem from the inside and the outside. An excellent acne skin care product is the clear pores system which consists of a deep cleansing facial and body wash, protection cream and a herbal supplement that is guaranteed to fight acne inside the body.

Another very good product is Revitol’s acnezine system which also consists of a skin anti-Oxidant Capsules and a Moisturizing Crème, all to ensure that your skin is clear of acne. The acnezine system was what made my skin free of pimples. It seems the healthy pores system has so many testimonials to its effectiveness; it is also a wonderful product you can use in ridding your skin of zits.

Most acne sufferers would talk of tales of what acne did to them in terms of their social life and how clearing those little monsters off their skin has made life more enjoyable. If you suffer from adult or teenage acne, it is guaranteed that following these acne skin care tips and using an effective acne skin care product, you would have the smooth and clear skin that you deserve.

For more information on how you can permanently get rid of Adult Acne from your life and look more youthful and beautiful visit adult acne treatment a brand new blog that gives information, tips and advice on how to solve the problem of acne.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/acne-articles/acne-skin-care-tips-to-help-reduce-your-breakouts-290536.html

About the Author:
Tim Orlando is a young man who is passionate about educating teenagers and young adults solve their acne problem just like he solve his. Visit his blog clear-adult-acne.blogspot.com where he discusses more on the monster called "Acne".

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